Anna Karina Birkenstock, Sandra Grimm, Steffi Kammermeier, Michaela Rudolph, Michaela Hanauer

222 Bedtime stories

Published on 01.03.2021

256 pages

245 mm x 175 mm

ISBN: 978-3-8458-3073-5


• A real treasure that shouldn’t be missing in any nursery
• Perfect for good night rituals – 222 stories on different topics to be read aloud in few minutes

Friendship, pirates, princesses, knights and even ghosts! These 222 bedtime stories have a little bit of everything. Beautifully illustrated, they encourage to dream along the short stories. Perfect for children to fall asleep to and dream up their own adventures!

Anna Karina Birkenstock
Anna Karina Birkenstock

Sandra Grimm
Sandra Grimm

Steffi Kammermeier
Steffi Kammermeier

Michaela Rudolph
Michaela Rudolph

Michaela Hanauer
Michaela Hanauer
Sandra Grimm, Katharina E. Volk, Anna Karina Birkenstock

222 Christmas and winter stories

Mommy, can you read me another story?

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Anna Karina Birkenstock, Julia Hilgeroth-Buchner, Birgit Hörner

What tickles in your Nose?

Rhymes, Tickle- and Finger Games for young Parents

The perfect gift for young parents: in this Stand-Up Display you can find many traditional and modern rhymes, tickle- and finger games with short, simple instructions supporting our young parents. Simply place the Stand-Up Display and join in!

With lovely illustrations by Anna Karina Birkenstock.

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