Angelika Huber-Janisch, Kristine Ortmeier

All you want to know about - Dinosaurs

Published on 27.02.2024

64 pages

266 mm x 200 mm

ISBN: 978-3-8458-5744-2


  • Facts and information about dinosaurs
  • Child-friendly texts to discover on their own or with the entire family

How did marine dinosaurs breathe? How did dinosaurs communicate? What did pterosaurs eat?

Dinosaurs and their fascinating, mysterious world captivate many children. And they want to know so much about them! This book answers more than 90 typical children's questions about dinosaurs and their contemporaries with child-friendly texts. Covering subjects from Tyrannosaurus Rex to Archaeopteryx and Ichthyosaurus, all the way to prehistoric frogs and ammonites. 

Angelika Huber-Janisch
Angelika Huber-Janisch

Kristine Ortmeier
Kristine Ortmeier
Angelika Huber-Janisch, Maria Over


This non-fiction book takes you on an exciting journey through the animal world, where you will learn about the heart-warming cuddly behaviour of nine different animal species. With beautiful large-format illustrations and short text sections, this book is specially designed for children aged 4 and over and is perfect as a read-aloud book.

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Angelika Huber-Janisch, Kristine Ortmeier

All you want to know about - Animals

Why do bears hibernate in winter? How far can squirrels jump and which is the most dangerous animal in our forests? Children care about animals a lot and they want to know so much about them! This book answers over 100 typical children's questions about animals and their habitats, from mammals, birds, and insects to animals in the forest and in the city. The texts are child-friendly and can be read by young readers on their own, too.

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