Corinna Wieja, Caroline Opheys

An elfish secret

Published on 04.09.2024

112 pages

246 mm x 173 mm

ISBN: 978-3-8458-4944-7


  • Heart-warming advent calendar book in 24 chapters
  • Exciting journey into the world behind the elf's door

Siblings Sina and Paul can hardly believe their eyes: a little Christmas elf is stuck in the cookie dough! And he excitedly tells the children that he urgently needs help. Things are going haywire in the Secret Santa world because Troll Poldi has stolen Santa's gift list. Sina and Paul follow elf Ole through the elf door into the elf world - and are already in the middle of the best Christmas adventure ever!

Corinna Wieja
Corinna Wieja

Caroline Opheys
Caroline Opheys

Caroline Opheys studied communication design and worked for various advertising agencies until she discovered illustration. She loves to draw while listening to good music or a podcast and goes out into nature or to a café for inspiration. She lives in Düsseldorf.

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