Christmas drama with the llittle llama!
Published on 20.10.2022
20 pages
175 mm x 175 mm
ISBN: 978-3-8458-4814-3
- Thick cardboard pages and handy format are perfect for curious children’s hands
- For all fans of "Always drama with the lama"
- Funny Christmas story in which many families will recognise themselves
Little drama llama Dana is back! In the Lama house, preparations are being made for Christmas. But this time the big llamas do the drama and sink into the classic Christmas frustration. Instead of contemplation and candlelight, there is preparation stress and Christmas joy just won't happen. Only the little llama knows what Christmas is really about and ends the big Christmas drama with lots of llama charm and wit.
A funny Christmas story for toddlers aged 2 and up, told in witty rhymes by Anna Taube and congenially illustrated by Eefje Kuijl.
Sleepover in the Forest
Tonight's the night: hazel dormouse Holly invited her friend the racoon for a sleepover! Soon all the other animals want to join on the branch. Even Ben the bear shows up! Is this really a good idea though on this tiny branch?
To the productThe Whole Zoo Goes to the Loo
Katta Kitti has to pee. And she is not the only one! The elephant, the penguins and the monkeys also need to pee. Soon, the whole zoo is lining up in front of the loo. But the snake shows up and simply jumps the queue – how rude! Now everybody starts to push and shove. Finally the door of the toilet house opens up and who’s there? It’s zookeeper Toni! He reminds the animals to line up properly…. and to use toilet paper!
To the productAlways drama with little llama!
Dana is a happy and lively little llama girl. Just not today. She doesn’t want to comb her hair
or eat her grandma’s delicious leaves for lunch. And during the afternoon hike with her dad,
her hooves suddenly hurt so much that she simply can’t walk one more step. Nobody knows
why, but every situation turns into a huge llama-drama and Dana can’t help it. Can anything
cheer the little llama up?
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