Discovery walks in winter
Published on 06.10.2023
80 pages
210 mm x 148 mm
ISBN: 978-3-8458-5372-7
- Easy to remove pages to take the quests with you
- Different tasks for different locations and different weather
- Fun for children that encourages them to go outside
With the help of this book, going on walks or hikes with children will become more interesting for them - and more challenging at the same time. Each page holds a quest or game to bring outside and complete while walking in the wintery landscape or through a snowy forest. Look for animals, draw what you see and learn new things about the world around you in winter.
The natural scientist - save the planet!
It's the little things that can make a big difference: challenge yourself to save energy, recycle more, and help protect nature and the environment. With the help of this notepad, you will learn new ideas for small everyday projects. Get your pens ready, take your notepad, go outside and actively participate in changing the world for the better!
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