Published on 30.08.2022
160 pages
ISBN: 978-3-8458-5176-1
Anouk and the pirate-ABC
Anouk's new adventure! She meets Luka, the young pirate, on a pirate ship. Together they discover the world of letters. Anouk shows Luka how much fun it is to recognize and name letters. Whether the steering wheel as “O” or the ladder rungs as “H” - the alphabet comes to life on this journey. Reading becomes the key to many adventures and treasures.
To the productAnouk and the crazy first day of school
Anouk's first day at school is coming up and the whole family is excited. Mom accidentally burns the cake for the party, Dad doesn't fit into his suit, but Anouk keeps a cool head. With the help of her cuddly toys and her family, she masters the day's challenges, big and small, and learns that even adults make mistakes sometimes. In the end, her big day is a complete success - and Anouk is ready for her new adventure at school.
To the productEveryone loves Christmas
What is the best thing about Christmas time? Mama says it's baking Christmas cookies. Affi thinks it's making presents for everyone. But actually it is everyone coming together to spend time together - this one, Anouk is sure of!
To the productWhere is Affi?
Anouk is tired and wants to go to bed. But where is her stuffed animal? Just a moment ago, Affi was right there! Where could he be? Behind the plant? Under the pillow? She can't find him anywhere. Will you help Anouk in the search? Because she won't go to bed without her Affi... A loving first story about the search for a missing stuffed animal, based on the bestselling series "Anouk" by Hendrikje Balsmeyer and Peter Maffay.
The missing stuffed animal — an important theme in everyday life with toddlers
This board book tells a relatable story about a lost plush toy. High-quality flaps and sliders assist toddlers aged 18 months and up in the search for Anouk's stuffed animal, Affi. A wonderful friendship story for little explorers!
To the productAnouk and the secrets of Christmas
Christmas is approaching! Join Anouk as the weeks before the big holiday are passing by. As sleeping time always means adventure time for Anouk, we follow her on new wonderful journeys. The places like the zoo or a school might not seem all too special at first sight, but magic can be found even in every-day situations. Especially in December! That's the spirit of Christmas.
Anouk, the Little Dream Adventurer - the Next Adventures Await!
Every night when Anouk goes to sleep she visits many differen places with many different people all over the world. And she loves it! Since she is not only curious and clever but also really helpful! Even though her parents might not really believe her, she knows those adventures are real. Accompanied by her best friend Monkey, Anouk visits many other children whenever she goes to sleep and gains insight on their ways of living and helps them out in every emergency. This second book features seven new adventures of the bold Anouk and her friend Monkey – for all those who won’t stop believing in their dreams.
To the productAnouk, the Little Dream Adventurer
Anouk is a lively little girl, brave and always ready to help. However, each night Anouk’s stubborn side shows when her parents send her to bed. Because if there is one thing, Anouk does not like, it’s going to bed early! She is positive, as soon as she closes her eyes, her parents start having fun without her. Eating sweets and watching cartoons. Even though they have to get up even earlier than Anouk! One night, her theories seem to be proven right when she awakes and sees a bright light shine below her door. Yet, that light looks diffe-rent than usually and with her trusty friend Monkey, Anouk braves herself, opens her door and steps into … a Native American village? Is she still dreaming? But everything seems so real and Kenai, the young Nati-ve American she meets, needs her help. And who is Anouk, if not a lively little girl, brave and always ready to help? Now night-time as become synonymously with traveling to faraway places with new friends and adventures waiting around each corner. Each adventure feels too real and Anouk is certain, those are not simple dreams!
To the productAnouk and the secrets of Christmas
Christmas is approaching! Join Anouk as the weeks before the big holiday are passing by. As sleeping time always means adventure time for Anouk, we follow her on new wonderful journeys. The places like the zoo or a school might not seem all too special at first sight, but magic can be found even in every-day situations. Especially in December! That's the spirit of Christmas.
Anouk, the Little Dream Adventurer - the Next Adventures Await!
Every night when Anouk goes to sleep she visits many differen places with many different people all over the world. And she loves it! Since she is not only curious and clever but also really helpful! Even though her parents might not really believe her, she knows those adventures are real. Accompanied by her best friend Monkey, Anouk visits many other children whenever she goes to sleep and gains insight on their ways of living and helps them out in every emergency. This second book features seven new adventures of the bold Anouk and her friend Monkey – for all those who won’t stop believing in their dreams.
To the productAnouk, the Little Dream Adventurer
Anouk is a lively little girl, brave and always ready to help. However, each night Anouk’s stubborn side shows when her parents send her to bed. Because if there is one thing, Anouk does not like, it’s going to bed early! She is positive, as soon as she closes her eyes, her parents start having fun without her. Eating sweets and watching cartoons. Even though they have to get up even earlier than Anouk! One night, her theories seem to be proven right when she awakes and sees a bright light shine below her door. Yet, that light looks diffe-rent than usually and with her trusty friend Monkey, Anouk braves herself, opens her door and steps into … a Native American village? Is she still dreaming? But everything seems so real and Kenai, the young Nati-ve American she meets, needs her help. And who is Anouk, if not a lively little girl, brave and always ready to help? Now night-time as become synonymously with traveling to faraway places with new friends and adventures waiting around each corner. Each adventure feels too real and Anouk is certain, those are not simple dreams!
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