When winter is finally over and flowers are growing all over the place, Metti and her rabbit friend Hedi make a discovery: apparently, their friend Oskar has a secret. Metti and Hedi are convinced: Oskar must be the Easter Bunny! Now they have to watch Oskar's every move to confirm what they believe - and to get the evidence they need!
Otto - A summer in the mountains
Otto is leaving for his third adventure! This time he is travelling with the twins Klara and Luzie and their parents. Together they discover the beautiful scenery of the Alps - in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
To the productOtto - A summer in Italy
Our favorite camping van Otto is back! And this time, he is taking a new lovely family to the land of sun, good food, and beautiful beaches: Italy! Come and join this new adventure full of dolce vita and funny moments.
To the productRia's wish
Horse Ria lives on a farm with many other horses. For a long time, there haven't been any children around. Only the oldest horses still remember how it used to be: all cuddly wonderful and curly-happy. That is exactly what Ria longs for. And one day, there's a child at the gate: Toni. But Ria's wish isn't fulfilled right away, because Toni doesn't want a horse as a friend. In fact, she's afraid of these giant-tree-sized horses... Until one day, the two of them unintentionally meet. Will they eventually become friends and will Ria's wish come true?
To the productMetti is looking for her family
Metti is a happy little guinea pig - and not a rabbit, like she used to think! It is not that big of a problem for her, as she lives quite happily at the farm with her friends. Still, she would really like to know who her family is - and as she has heard that guinea pigs often live near the sea, she one day decides to go find them. What a difficult decision, leaving the home she knows and loves to go into the unknown! But as her two best friends decide to join her in this adventure, Metti is ready to confront anything!
To the productOtto - A summer in Sweden
Otto is a classic Camping-Van. He can be rented for vacations, which is exactly what Mom and Dad do with their kids Juli and Theo. Of course, dog Anni is with them as well. Let's go to Sweden! But, as Otto is a special Van, the adventure already starts at home. Not all of the stuffed animals fit into the car? That's nonsense! Once Dad looks away, Otto just gets bigger and it's done! And when Anna gets scared one night on vacation, Otto tells her of his adventures...
During this summer vacation, Otto and his vacationing family experience a colorful round of Swedish adventures.
To the productMetti Guinea Pig
Metti is the happiest, bounciest bunny in the whole world. Metti loves hanging out with all bunny friends, do all bunny stuffs, eat bunny food and play bunny games. Until one fine day, a stranger comes to the village and announces that Metti is actually not a rabbit, but a guinea pig. Metti´s world is turning upside-down.
A heartfelt start of adentures of the most adorable enthusiastic Metti (a bunny, a piggy, or it just doesn´t matter). It is absolutely ok to be different and a true bunny friendship is more than white ears and cute tails.
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arsEdition GmbH
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