Martin Verg , Josephine Wolff

My year book

Published on 29.09.2023

144 pages

286 mm x 221 mm

ISBN: 978-3-8458-5317-8


  • A book with activities for the entire family throughout the year.
  • With stories, songs, arts and crafts projects, games, recipies, and many more for every season.
  • Join the four animal characters on their journey through the seasons.

    One book, four seasons - fun for the entire family: This book takes you on an exciting journey!

    In the course of one year you get to enjoy all the fun activities and learn more about each season and it's special plants, anmial habits, cultural holidays and seasonal recipies. Fun ideas for arts and crafts projects, games, little riddles and experiments motivate children to be active inside and outside the house. And all the stories, songs and poems are a fun opportunity to spend quality time together as a family.


Martin  Verg
    Martin Verg

Josephine Wolff
    Josephine Wolff

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