Frank M. Reifenberg, Felicitas Horstschäfer

Where Freedom Grows

Printausgabe E-Book

Published on 27.06.2019

384 pages

220 mm x 152 mm

ISBN: 978-3-8458-2274-7


  • Detailed information about the Edelweiss Pirates
  • From bestseller author Frank Reifenberg

1942, Cologne.
Lene is 16 year old when she falls in love with Erich. Life during the second world war is difficult and Lene feels relieved not to be alone anymore.
But she soon finds out that Erich belongs to an an-ti-nazi group of young people called the Edelweiss Pirates that shares tracts against the current regime and paints walls with anti-Nazi slogan.
A dangerous game that the gestapo will try to stop by all means.

Frank M. Reifenberg
Frank M. Reifenberg

After training to become a qualified bookseller, Frank M. Reifenberg spent several years working in the PR and advertising industry. He went on to study screenwriting at the International Film School in Cologne and has been writing screenplays and novels ever since. In 2008 he initiated a special reading program to encourage boys to read. Now regarded as a specialist in this field in Germany, Frank regularly gives lectures and workshops on the subject to multipliers in the field. He has written over 30 books for children and young adults and received an honorary grant from the Centre national de littérature Luxembourg in 2012.

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Felicitas Horstschäfer
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